The Worst Way to Charge Your Phone: A Common Mistake Many Make

Everyone has the phone and it’s difficult to think of life without the device.

We make use of our smartphones so often that we sometimes recharge them more than twice per each day. However, the majority of people do not know how to use their phones properly.

This article will show you how to recharge your smartphone in order to warrant your battery’s life is the longest possible time.

Phones: Not Just for Calls Anymore

It’s been a long time since where a telephone was an instrument for calling. There are a myriad of apps on mobile devices that help us communicate and manage routine things, like the banking and other official duties.

With the minutes we hold our mobile phones each day, the batteries of our phones deplete rapidly. Incredibly, it’s not just the amount of time we use them which affects this however, it’s also how we recharge them.

How Not to Charge Your Phone

A lot of us are waiting until our phone’s battery is fully depleted prior to recharging. It’s a mistake, and reduces the life of batteries. The experts advise against waiting until the phone is fully drain.

But, that isn’t a reason to think it’s a great decision to let your smartphone charging overnight. This is a different, but not uncommon error. It is not recommended to keep the battery fully charged, in addition, plugging it into for a long period of time negatively affects the battery’s lifespan.

The Correct Way to Charge Your Phone

If you would like your phone to last for many years assure it is taken care of. How do you properly charge your phone? Make sure you don’t charge it completely and do not charge it until 100 percent.

It’s perfect to disconnect the charger once the battery’s level is 90 percent. Be sure to only use the charger designed to work with your particular phone. We also recommend against with your phone while it’s charging. This will allow the processor to be relaxed.

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