The 18 Mistakes You’re Making Online, According to an ‘Ethical’ Hacker

As more banking and financial transactions move online, it’s crucial that we do everything possible to safeguard our personal data. We spoke to an ethical hacker specializing in hacking into websites, networks and phone applications to detect vulnerabilities – who provided his top tips on avoiding identity theft while protecting personal information.

1. Employing Weak Passwords

Mistake: Employing weak passwords such as “password123” or “123456.”

Tip: Create secure passwords using combinations of letters, numbers and special characters; to keep up with them utilize a password manager to keep an overview.

2. Misusing Passwords

Mistake: Utilizing the same password across different sites.

Tip: Always create different passwords for each of your accounts to prevent one breach from impacting multiple.

3. Ignoring Software Updates

Mistake: Not regularly upgrading operating systems, browsers and apps is an error you need to avoid committing.

Tip: Set automatic updates so your software stays current with security patches.

4. Clicking Suspicious Links

Mistake: Selecting links from unknown or dubious sources without first conducting further due diligence on them is always dangerous and should be avoided at all times.

Tip: Always investigate a link before clicking it, by hovering your cursor over its URL to view details such as this one and looking out for suspicious websites or content that appear as links on a webpage. If anything seems off, do not click!

Mistake 5: Relying on Public Wi-Fi for Sensitive Transactions

A common misstep when conducting sensitive banking or financial transactions over public Wi-Fi networks.

Tip: Use a virtual private network (VPN) or wait until you are connected to an established and trustworthy network before proceeding with any purchases online.

Mistake 6: Ignoring Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Mistake: Relying solely on passwords to protect accounts.

Tip: Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) can add another layer of protection. Typically this involves receiving a code on your phone which needs to be entered along with your password for login.

7. Sharing Too Much on Social Media

Mistake: Publishing personal details such as your address, phone number or birthday on social media without proper consideration is often seen as oversharing on these networks.

Tip: Protect personal information by reviewing and revising your privacy settings to regulate who can see your posts.

8. Befalling to Phishing Scams Mistake: Responding to emails or messages asking for personal details could be costly mistakes.

Keep an eye out for any emails and messages received that seem out-of-the-blue, such as solicitations emails. Verify who the sender is before providing any personal data to him/her.

9. Failing to Secure Your Home Network

Mistake: Relying solely on default router settings and passwords when it comes to protecting the security of home networks.

Tip: Modify the default settings of your router, using strong passwords for security and WPA3 encrypting where available.

10. Store Sensitive Data Unencrypted

Mistake: Saving sensitive documents such as passwords in plain-text format files could put personal details and passwords at risk.

Tip: Protect sensitive data with encryption and use secure storage solutions to keep it private and accessible only by authorized individuals.

11. Failing to Log Out One of the greatest mistakes a user can make when sharing or public devices, is failing to log off.

Tip: Log out after each use on devices you don’t own to protect your accounts and help ensure their integrity.

12. Skipping Antivirus Software

Mistake: Failing to utilize and update anti-virus software.

Tip: Install and keep up-to-date reputable antivirus software to ward off threats like malware and viruses.

Mistake #13: Submitting Personal Data via Unprotected Sites* The biggest pitfall associated with entering personal information online without HTTPS encryption is providing personal data over insecure networks such as social media.

Tip: Verify that the website is safe by looking out for HTTPS in its URL and the padlock icon in its address bar.

14. Failing to Monitor Accounts

Mistake: Not regularly reviewing bank and credit card statements for suspicious activity could lead to major consequences.

Tip: Keep tabs on your accounts regularly and set alerts for suspicious transactions to spot potential troublemakers quickly and securely.

15. Failing to Read Privacy Policies

Making this mistake: Failing to read through privacy policies of websites and apps.

Tip: Before sharing or using data, review its usage policies so you know what happens with it and who has access.

16. Assuming Simple Security Questions

Mistake: Opting for uncomplicated answers when creating security questions.

Tip: Use complex answers when answering security questions; alternatively, treat them like passwords with randomly stored answers stored within a password manager.

17. Mistakenly Locking Down Devices. Ignoring Your Unattended and Locked Devices,

Tip: Always secure your devices when not in use using strong passwords or biometric security features such as fingerprinting.

18. Neglecting Backup Security

Mistake: Failing to safeguard backups regularly or secure them appropriately can be catastrophically detrimental.

Tip: Be sure to back up and secure all of your files on a regular basis, using encrypted storage methods for each backup copy created.

By avoiding these common errors and following these tips, you can significantly enhance online security and safeguard personal information against threats. Be vigilant and proactive about safeguarding your digital presence!

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